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Debit Processing

We are pleased to offer our merchants an additional way to accept payments for their goods and services -- the Signature Debit Card Program.

By taking advantage of this program, Signature merchants can provide ALL of their customers with a simple and convenient way to pay for purchases, even the customers that don't have a credit card. Debit cards work like instant checks, deducting available funds immediately from the cardholder's checking or savings account. They provide consumers with all of the advantages of a credit card (convenience, worldwide acceptance and security) and none of the perceived hassles (paying bills, aggressive late fees and punitive interest rates).

And several recent studies have shown that the future for these types of cards looks promising. Industry analysts have forecast that debit card purchases could total in excess of $1 trillion in the U.S. alone within the next few years, and that their usage will probably grow much faster than either credit cards or ATM cards did in years past.

Consider this: Last year Americans used debit cards approximately 354 million times during the holiday shopping season, and this season it is expected that consumers will use debit cards about 499 million times, debiting their checking or savings account for an average of $37.68 per transaction.

With more than 100 million Americans expected to carry debit cards by the end of next year, they could be fully in the mainstream and an expected way of doing business very soon.

It makes sense, it's affordable (there is NO DISCOUNT RATE charged on these types of transactions) and it's easy to get going. Once you've been set up with a merchant account for processing credit card payments, just give us a call at 888-334-2284 and let us know you want this important program added to your account profile.


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  Phone: 512-444-8342